CONNSTEP Newsletter | September 2024

Recent Case Studies
First Pass Yield Improvement Creates Dramatic Reduction in Lead Time
“The biggest lesson we learned from this project is the importance of employee engagement. As more employees became involved, they saw the benefits of the improvements firsthand. They enjoyed sharing ideas, being heard, and seeing their suggestions implemented. It was a rewarding experience for everyone.”
Rich Merlino, President & CEO, Modelcraft Company
Read this Case Study:
Value Stream Mapping Leads to Medical Device FDA Success
“CONNSTEP opened up our eyes to see where we can assign the UDI in the manufacturing process and get it to the finished level. The Value Stream Mapping clarified the process for us to help meet UDI requirements mandated by the FDA. It all resulted in being able to make appropriate investments and implement a successful UDI system.”
Zack Curello – Vice President/General Manager Ivy Biomedical Systems
Read this Case Study:
Recent Blogs
Celebrating Manufacturing Excellence: The Coolest Thing Made in Connecticut
(Hartford, CT, September 6, 2024) – It is a first-of-its-kind competition for Connecticut – the Coolest Thing Made in Connecticut.
Celebrating the excellence of the state’s manufacturing industry, this single-elimination bracket-style tournament lets the public vote on their favorite Connecticut-made products.
Round 2: Coolest Thing Made in Connecticut
What started with 16 incredible Connecticut-made products is now down to the final eight. The second round of voting is underway to find the Coolest Thing Made in Connecticut.
Read this blog:
Upcoming Training & Events
Continuous Improvement Champion Certification (CICC)-Fall
Date: Tuesdays, September 10-December 3
Time: 8:30 am-4:30 pm
Location: Hartford, CT
Supervisor Bootcamp-Fall
Date: Thursdays, September 13-November 8
Time: 8:30 am-12 noon
Location: Bristol, CT
Continuous Improvement Champion Certification (CICC)-Spring
Date: Tuesdays, March 11-May 20
Time: 8:30 am-4:30 pm
Location: Cromwell, CT
More Upcoming Events
- New England Lean Summit | September 12-13 | 7 am-3 pm
- CT Manufacturing Careers Roadshow ’24 Series | September 26th | 9 am-12 noon
- Tech Talent Ecosystem Summit | Thursday, September 19th | 9 am-3:30 pm
- HR Hotline Live: Connecticut’s New Paid Sick Leave Law | Wednesday, September 25th | 1 pm-2 pm
- 2024 Connecticut Manufacturing Summit | October 2nd | 8:30 am-4:30 pm
- Manufacturing Day | October 4th
- ManufactureCT Annual Celebration | October 4th | 5 pm-9 pm
- Women in Manufacturing (WiM) SUMMIT | October 6-9
- ACM’s Aerospace Alley® Future Workforce Opportunities Fair & Tradeshow | October 31st | 8 am-4:30 pm
Manufacturing News
- Required Historical PFAS Reporting Poses Risks Going Forward
- Research Opportunities for Advancing Measurement Science for Manufacturing Robotics
- CBIA BizCast: Making Manufacturing Cool
- Scholarship Applications Open for Metalforming Students
- Priorities for Manufacturers Adapting to the New Economic Environment
- ACM News – Aerospace Components Manufacturers
- $5 Million in State Funding To Provide Grants To Small Businesses Impacted by Record Flooding in Western Connecticut
- What’s the ‘coolest thing’ made in CT? You can help decide by voting
- A CT program was meant to boost manufacturing. It’s changed.
- PMAEF/Southern New England District 2024 Fall Scholarships
Manufacturing Resources
Each year, dozens of manufacturing companies present engineering schools in Connecticut universities with design challenges they encounter in their business. Students research and analyze the problem, and typically end up with a solution—a design, a model, a working prototype.
Ideally, it’s a win-win for the company and the students: the company has their problem solved and students get hands-on experience problem solving.
CONNSTEP will coordinate the connection between the manufacturer and the university, and assist the process as needed.
Master Digital Thread Manufacturing
Unlock your potential at the cutting-edge Digital Thread Manufacturing Lab.
Grants for Manufacturers
Grant programs designed to help Connecticut manufacturers acquire the skills, tools, and resources needed to keep pace with today’s rapidly evolving manufacturing ecosystem.
CONNSTEP’s Downloads & Materials
Discover key resources and information to help your organization overcome challenges and meet its goals to advance your business growth, enhance your manufacturing capabilities, and sustain your competitiveness in the industry.
Additional Resources
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